Parasites, the reflection of social inequality


  • Brayan Alexander Chavez Rivera Estudiante de Derecho, Universidad CESMAG.
  • Jully Mercedes Ordoñez Díaz Estudiante de Derecho, Universidad CESMAG.
  • Merin Leonisa Rivera Rosero Estudiante de Derecho, Universidad CESMAG.


social classes; human rights; social inequiality; needs; violence.


Since its inception, cinema has captured stories that reflect the development of human beings in society, presenting raw stories in an attractive and real way, portraying diffcult social situations from an artistic perspective. Bong Joon-ho, South Korean director and screenwriter, offers his great cinematographic work called Parasite, which tells the daily story of an ordinary family in a society plagued by consumerism, social networks and, of course, inequality, through drama and black humor. It is interesting to see the harmonious relationship between cinema and reality, since it reflects some characteristics that lead to social inequality that is currently faced and results in discrimination, violence and other social factors that prevent the fruitful development of human beings and the society to which they belong.

The purpose of this article highlights how the seventh art captures social reality through a dramatic and satirical vision, revealing some realities that are currently faced in an artistic way, taking everyday situations in an exaggerated way. Besides, it is intended to analyze from a social and legal perspective, how these inequalities lead to acts of violence and discrimination in society.


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