Importance of Physical Education in contexts of inclusion of people with different capabilities


  • Ricardo Alonso Mendoza Muñoz Investigador, grupo de investigación Pedagogía, Cuerpo y Sociedad, Universidad CESMAG



accessibility; disability; physical education; inclusion; pedagogical práctice.


Nowadays, in the educational environment, terms such as inclusion, diversity, disability, accessibility, teaching-learning strategies, among others, are heard recurrently. During the last decade, governments and the national education system have made remarkable efforts to achieve better educational care with criteria of equity, equality and participation that allow people with disabilities or special educational needs to enjoy an education that is more adapted to their needs, without being excluded and / or segregated.

In this process, Higher Education Institutions [HEIs], including universities, play a very important role, since these are the places where the professionals in the feld of education are ethically and academically trained and who will later serve as teachers at different levels such as primary, secondary and even higher education itself; being decisive through their work to achieve a true and favorable educational process from the area of knowledge or training that corresponds to guide them. 

What is intended by means of this article is to highlight the importance of including pedagogical practices in the population with disabilities within the professional training of the Bachelor of Physical Education of the CESMAG University, in order to sensitize and ensure that it becomes an agent that favor inclusion in thecontexts where it develop.


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