Lamp on without ignition


  • Emma Del Pilar Rojas Vergara Docente e Investigadora, Universidad CESMAG


hope; philosophy; freedom; recognitio; meaning; life.


The miracle of life is reflected in the unity that is born from the plurality of being, there the single spark lights up that illuminates the coexistence allowing the force of meaning to emerge, which on many occasions is drowned out by the nonsense that addresses it. This article aims to place the reflection on the man and the work of his life in the middle of a panorama clouded by the vertiginous information and occurrence of events, which in its wake weakens the flame of freedom that burns in a world where each new day is suffocated by consumerism, at the cost of the weakening of solidarity and fraternity.

However, in the midst of the temptation to plunge into despair, in an act of resilience, the flame of hope is lit like a lamp with its own ignition, which illuminates beyond reason and unreason in pursuit of a blessed existence. All this cannot be lived or understood, except in the midst of relativity and uncertainty as an appropriate ground for the conquest of true happiness that continues to be a human possibility in the task of being and becoming in time.

In this case, the detachment of the immovable paradigms that are housed in memory, constitutes both a risk and the possibility of conquering freedom in the spirit, it returns the meaning to life and things in the heterodox search of man. This process of resignification, typical of the human capacity to recognize oneself and others, is lit from the deep darkness like the flame that even lights up non-places, turning them into an opportunity to reconstruct the sense of what is and what is.
everything that exists.


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