Eloquence of silence and inner growth


  • Emilio Acosta Díaz Investigador, Universidad CESMAG


spiritual growth; spirituality; philosophy; spiritual intelligence;, interiority; silence.


Through this article we try to awaken interest in a significant reality in the life of human beings such as the possibility of silence within the processes of knowledge, communication and the construction of inner life. A process of discernment from the experience of inner silence, is the most effective means by which one reaches the knowledge of oneself and the necessary care to strengthen life and grow internally; inner silence is the fertile ground to strengthen growth and self-care.

In this sense, it is recognized that silence and listening are human attitudes that make it possible to take advantage of the approach and understanding of the cosmos and its close relationship with the human essence in the future of life, especially in hours of vertigo and noise in where it is still possible for the human mind and heart to recognize that its spirit is in need of inner silence, for which it also feels a fascination.
Silence generates fertility and the transforming capacity of life.


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