psychological well-being, flourishing, genetics, hormones, cognitive dis- tortions, automatic thoughts, spirituality, mental health, quality of lifeAbstract
I am pleased to present the thematic dossier “Psychological well-being and spirituality as protective factors for mental health and quality of life in adulthood” from the Psychology Program at CESMAG University. This dossier arises as a result of the multidisciplinary sharing of professors and researchers from the Psychology Program at Mariana University and CESMAG University. In a concise and pertinent way, the dossier is dedicated to the topics developed in the 3rd “Francesco Bellina Open Lecture”, proposed by the Psychology Program at CESMAG University.
In the university context, the lecture becomes an extracurricular strategy that allows participation coming from the participants’ taste and interest. For this reason, four meetings are held during the academic semester with the purpose of strengthening knowledge, training and discussion from the different areas of knowledge, allowing reflection and critical analysis from an interdisciplinary position.
Programa de Psicología. (2023). Cátedra Libre Francesco Bellina. Universidad CESMAG.