Strength Training Program for Water Polo Players at Optimus Water Polo Sports Club in Bogotá


  • Jenifer Sosa Martínez Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A.
  • Álvaro José Gracia Díaz Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A.



physical abilities, sports, training, strength, water polo


In the capital city of Colombia, there are only two water polo clubs that, when combined, manage to assemble enough athletes to represent the Capital District in national games. However, they lack the necessary resources. Consequently, it is crucial to contribute to the training of water polo athletes in Bogotá, considering that excellent performance in the sport requires athletes to possess the necessary physical characteristics. In light of this, the research leading to this article aimed to develop and implement a strength training and injury prevention program for athletes at the Optimus Water Polo Sports Club in Bogotá. To achieve this goal, a review of four data-bases was conducted, yielding nine articles distributed as follows: PubMed (2), Scielo (2), SportDiscus (2), and Google Scholar (3). The investigative scope was exploratory, with an experimental method. The research design was field-based and temporally cross-sectional, employing a quantitative approach. Ultimately, it was found that the athletes’ physical condition ranged from excellent to acceptable levels, with 27.5% achieving excellent results and 27.5% achieving acceptable results. This underscores  the importance of implementing a strength training and injury prevention program.


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