Synthesis of the Self-Evaluation Process of the Language Department at CESMAG University


  • María Alejandra Morillo Coral Universidad CESMAG
  • Daniela Stefanny Velásquez Villarreal Universidad CESMAG
  • David Samir Martínez Ortega Universidad CESMAG



self-evaluation, evaluation, languages, improvement


Self-evaluation involves adopting a critical and proactive approach towards various aspects, including academic and formative processes, evaluation methods, educational resources, and infrastructure, among other factors that play a crucial role in governing the functioning of academic programs or departments. These factors aim to ensure an appropriate and high-quality student training process. Therefore, this article aims to synthesize
the phases of the self-evaluation process conducted within the Language Department of CESMAG University. Its relevance lies in serving as a reference for similar processes.

The self-evaluation aims to identify strengths and weaknesses in academic and administrative processes in order to enhance meaningful learning and teaching experiences in both native and foreign languages. This evaluative process outlines a procedural path that begins with the socialization of the process, which is followed by data collection, an analysis of the information to form the basis for a process report, and the development of an improvement plan. This exercise allows for a comprehensive examination of
the essential elements of an academic department’s operations and explores necessary modifications for continuous improvement.




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